Source code for spawn.specification.specification

# spawn
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019, Simmovation Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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"""Classes describing the specification
from copy import deepcopy
import re
import logging

from spawn.util import PathBuilder
from spawn.util.validation import validate_type

from .value_proxy import ValueProxy, evaluate

[docs]class SpecificationModel: """Class to contain the description of the :mod:`spawn` specification """ def __init__(self, base_file, root_node, metadata): """Initialises :class:`SpecificationModel` :param base_file: The base file for the specification :type base_file: path-like :param root_node: The root node of the specifiction model :type root_node: :class:`SpecificationNode` :param metadata: Metadata for the specification model. :type metadata: :class:`SpecificationMetadata` """ self._base_file = base_file self._root_node = root_node self._metadata = metadata @property def base_file(self): """The base file """ return self._base_file @property def root_node(self): """The root node """ return self._root_node @property def metadata(self): """The metadata """ return self._metadata
[docs]class SpecificationMetadata: """Container class for the :class:`SpecificationModel` metadata """ def __init__(self, spec_type, creation_time, notes): """Initialises :class:`SpecificationMetadata` :param spec_type: The type of specification :type spec_type: str :param creation_time: The creation time of the specification model :type creation_time: :class:`datetime` :param notes: Any notes related to the specification model :type notes: str """ self._spec_type = spec_type self._creation_time = creation_time self._notes = notes @property def spec_type(self): """The type of this specification """ return self._spec_type @property def creation_time(self): """The creation time """ return self._creation_time @property def notes(self): """Notes related to the specification model """ return self._notes
[docs]class SpecificationNode: """Tree node representation of the nodes of the specification """ def __init__(self, parent, property_name, property_value, path, ghosts): """Initialses :class:`SpecificationNode` :param parent: The parent of this specification node. :type parent: :class:`SpecificationNode` :param property_name: The property name for this node :type property_name: str :param property_value: The property value for this node :type property_value: object :param path: The path to this specification node :type path: str :param ghosts: Ghost (non-spawner) parameters for this node :type ghosts: dict """ self._parent = parent self._property_name = property_name self._property_value = property_value self._children = [] if self._parent is not None: self._parent.add_child(self) self._path_part = path self._ghosts = ghosts self._collected_properties = self._collected_indices = self._collected_ghosts = None self._derived_path = None self._leaves = None self._root = None self._path = None
[docs] @classmethod def create_root(cls, path=None): """Create a root node :param path: The path for the root node :type path: str :returns: A root specification node (without parents) :rtype: :class:`SpecificationNode` """ return SpecificationNode(None, None, None, path, {})
@property def parent(self): """Get the parent :returns: The parent node :rtype: :class:`SpecificationNode` """ return self._parent @property def children(self): """Get the children of this node :returns: Child nodes :rtype: list """ return self._children
[docs] def add_child(self, child): """Adds a child to this node :param child: The child node to add :type child: :class:`SpecificationNode` """ if child not in self._children: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Adding child %s onto %s', child.description, self.description) self._children.append(child) #pylint: disable=protected-access child._parent = self
@property def leaves(self): """Gets the leaf nodes descended from this node :returns: The leaf nodes :rtype: list """ if self._leaves is None: self._leaves = sum([c.leaves for c in self.children], []) if self.children else [self] return self._leaves @property def root(self): """Gets the root node from this node :returns: The root node :rtype: :class:`SpecificationNode` """ if self._root is None: current_node = self while not current_node.is_root: current_node = current_node.parent self._root = current_node return self._root @property def is_root(self): """Is this the root node :returns: ``True`` if this node is the root; otherwise ``False`` :rtype: bool """ return self._parent is None @property def has_property(self): """Does this node have a property value :returns: ``True`` if this node has a type that contains properties :rtype: bool """ #Type must match SpecificationNode in order to have properties #pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck return not self.is_root and type(self) == SpecificationNode @property def property_name(self): """Gets the property name for this node :returns: The property name :rtype: str """ return self._property_name @property def property_value(self): """Gets the property value for this node :returns: The property value :rtype: object """ return self._property_value @property def ghosts(self): """Returns the collected ghost parameters :returns: The ghost parameters for this node :rtype: dict """ if self._collected_ghosts is None: ghosts = {} current_node = self while not current_node.is_root: # Ghosts lower down the tree supercede those higher up ghosts = {**current_node._ghosts, **ghosts} current_node = current_node.parent self._collected_ghosts = ghosts return self._collected_ghosts @property def index(self): """Gets the index of this node in the parent's child nodes :returns: The index if this node is not a root node; otherwise -1 :rtype: int """ if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.children.index(self) return -1 @property def collected_properties(self): """Gets the properties and values of this node and all ancestor nodes :returns: A dict containing the properties of this node and all ancestor nodes :rtype: dict """ if self._collected_properties is None: properties = {} def _f(node): if node.property_value is not None: properties.setdefault(node.property_name, node.property_value) self._climb(_f) self._collected_properties = properties return self._collected_properties @property def collected_indices(self): """Gets the property names and indicies of this node and all ancestor nodes :returns: A dict containing the properties of this node and all ancestor nodes :rtype: dict """ if self._collected_indices is None: indices = {} current_node = self while not current_node.is_root: if current_node.property_value is not None: indices.setdefault(current_node.property_name, current_node.index) current_node = current_node.parent self._collected_indices = indices return self._collected_indices @property def _base_path(self): if self._derived_path is None: path = PathBuilder() current_node = self while True: #pylint: disable=protected-access if current_node._path_part is not None: path = path.join_start(current_node._path_part) if current_node.is_root: break current_node = current_node.parent self._derived_path = str(path.format(self.collected_properties, self.collected_indices)) return self._derived_path @property def path(self): """The path for this node. Used as a key to locate the ouputs. Evaluate using the path property and the collected properties and indices at this node. :returns: The path for this node :rtype: str """ if self._path is None: path = self._base_path #pylint: disable=protected-access nodes_with_matching_paths = [ node for node in self.root.leaves if node._base_path == path ] if len(nodes_with_matching_paths) > 1: path = str(PathBuilder(path).join( PathBuilder.index(nodes_with_matching_paths.index(self), index_format='a') )) self._path = path return self._path @property def description(self): """Description of this node :returns: A description of the node :rtype: str """ return 'root node' if self.is_root else 'node with property "{}"'.format(self.property_name)
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Evaluates all children in this node """ for child in self._children: child.evaluate()
[docs] def copy(self, new_parent): """Copies this node and this node's children :param new_parent: The new parent node :type new_parent: :class:`SpecificationNode` :returns: A copy of this node :rtype: :class:`SpecificationNode` """ new_node = self._initialise_copy(new_parent) for child in self.children: new_child = child.copy(new_node) new_node.add_child(new_child) return new_node
def _initialise_copy(self, new_parent): return type(self)( new_parent, self.property_name, self.property_value, self._path_part, self._ghosts ) def _climb(self, delegate): current_node = self while not current_node.is_root: delegate(current_node) current_node = current_node.parent def __repr__(self): properties = ', '.join( '{}={}'.format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in ['property_name', 'property_value', 'children'] ) return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, properties)
class IndexedNode(SpecificationNode): """Implementation of :class:`SpecificationNode` that allows definition of an index to specify array location of value """ def __init__(self, parent, name, index, value, path, ghosts): """Initialises :class:`IndexedNode` :param parent: The parent node :type parent: :class:`SpecificationNode` :param name: The node name :type name: str :param value_proxy: The node value :type value_proxy: object :param path: The path to this node :type path: str :param ghosts: Ghost values :type ghosts: dict """ super().__init__(parent, name, value, path, ghosts) validate_type(index, int, 'index') self._index = index @property def index(self): """Returns the index for this indexed property """ return self._index @property def has_property(self): """Returns ``True`` if this instance has a property Override the base class behaviour for :method:`has_property` to show that this node has a property """ return True def _initialise_copy(self, new_parent): return type(self)( new_parent, self.property_name, self._index, self.property_value, self._path_part, self._ghosts )
[docs]class ValueProxyNode(SpecificationNode): """Implementation of :class:`SpecificationNode` that allows a :class:`ValueProxy` definition of a node """ def __init__(self, parent, name, value_proxy, path, ghosts): """Initialises :class:`ValueProxyNode` :param parent: The parent node :type parent: :class:`ValueProxyNode` :param name: The node name :type name: str :param value_proxy: The node value :type value_proxy: :class:`ValueProxy` :param path: The path to this node :type path: str :param ghosts: Ghost values :type ghosts: dict """ super().__init__(parent, name, value_proxy, path, ghosts) validate_type(value_proxy, ValueProxy, 'value_proxy')
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Evaluates this node to determine what it's value should be. Replaces children with new values generated by this node. Subsequently evaluates all children. """ old_children = list(self.children) property_values = {**self.ghosts, **self.collected_properties} values = evaluate(self._property_value, **property_values) self._children = [SpecificationNodeFactory().create( self, self.property_name, values, None, self._ghosts, old_children )] self._property_value = None for child in self.children: child.evaluate()
class DictNode(SpecificationNode): """Implementation of :class:`SpecificationNode` that allows a dict definition of a node """ def __init__(self, parent, name, value, path, ghosts): """Initialises :class:`DictNode` :param parent: The parent node :type parent: :class:`SpecificationNode` :param name: The node name :type name: str :param value: The node value :type value: dict :param path: The path to this node :type path: str :param ghosts: Ghost values :type ghosts: dict """ super().__init__(parent, name, value, path, ghosts) validate_type(value, dict, 'value') def evaluate(self): """Evaluates this node to expand child items """ node_factory = SpecificationNodeFactory() dict_value = deepcopy(self.property_value) next_name = list(dict_value.keys())[0] next_value = dict_value.pop(next_name) if dict_value: next_children = [node_factory.create( None, self.property_name, dict_value, None, self._ghosts, list(self._children) )] else: next_children = list(self._children) new_children = [node_factory.create( self, next_name, next_value, self._path_part, self._ghosts, next_children )] self._children = new_children self._path_part = None for child in self.children: child.evaluate() self._property_value = None class ListNode(SpecificationNode): """Implementation of :class:`SpecificationNode` that allows a list definition of a node """ def __init__(self, parent, name, value, path, ghosts): """Initialises :class:`ListNode` :param parent: The parent node :type parent: :class:`SpecificationNode` :param name: The node name :type name: str :param value: The node value :type value: list :param path: The path to this node :type path: str :param ghosts: Ghost values :type ghosts: dict """ super().__init__(parent, name, value, path, ghosts) validate_type(value, list, 'value') def evaluate(self): """Evaluates this node to expand the list and create new children """ node_factory = SpecificationNodeFactory() old_children = list(self.children) new_children = [] for value in self.property_value: new_children.append(node_factory.create( self, self.property_name, value, None, self._ghosts, old_children )) self._children = new_children for child in self.children: child.evaluate() self._property_value = None
[docs]class SpecificationNodeFactory: """Factory class for creating :class:`SpecificationNode` objects """
[docs] def create(self, parent, name, value, path, ghosts, children=None, literal=False): """Creates a :class:`SpecificationNode`, based on the value :param parent: The parent :class:`SpecificationNode` :type parent: :class:`SpecificationNode` :param name: The name of the node :type name: str :param value: The value of the node :type value: object :param ghosts: Ghost values :type ghosts: dict :param children: The children of the new node, if any :type children: list :param literal: if True, the value is not expandable and is set literally :type literal: bool """ children = children or [] validate_type(ghosts, dict, 'ghosts') validate_type(children, list, 'children') if isinstance(value, dict) and not literal: node = DictNode(parent, name, value, path, ghosts) elif isinstance(value, list) and not literal: node = ListNode(parent, name, value, path, ghosts) elif isinstance(value, ValueProxy) and not literal: node = ValueProxyNode(parent, name, value, path, ghosts) else: name_index = self._index(name) if name_index is not None: name, index = name_index node = IndexedNode(parent, name, index, value, path, ghosts) else: node = SpecificationNode(parent, name, value, path, ghosts) for child in children: node.add_child(self._copy_tree(node, child)) return node
@staticmethod def _copy_tree(parent, node): return node.copy(parent) @staticmethod def _index(name): match ='(?P<name>.*)\[(?P<index>\d+)\]', name) if match: index_str ='index') try: return'name'), int(index_str) except ValueError: pass return None